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Attendance & Punctuality


Nottingham Academy takes attendance and punctuality in Sixth Form very seriously and we acknowledge that good school attendance and punctuality plays an essential part in academic development for post 16 students.

All Post 16 courses are intensive and students cannot afford to miss valuable teaching and study time.

An exemplary record of attendance says a huge amount about you as a person: that you are dedicated, well-motivated, organised and someone who takes their responsibilities seriously. Good attendance also plays an important part when applying to higher education establishments or employment.

High levels of attendance and excellent punctuality are both characteristics of students who achieve their potential. Research shows that poor attendance and punctuality have a detrimental effect on outcomes. Attendance below 95% has been shown to result in an average reduction of one grade at A level per subject and this increases to two grades below when attendance falls below 90%.


At Nottingham Academy we expect every student to attend school every day. If attendance drops below 95% our pastoral team will intervene.

Students are expected to arrive on time every day. The school day starts at 8.40am, but for some Sixth Form students their first lesson maybe later in the morning. Students are expected to attend promptly for their first lesson.

As well as timetabled lessons students also have non-contact periods on their timetables for structured study time (SST), enrichment activities and private study.

Students are expected to attend all timetabled lessons, including tutorials, SST and enrichment periods. Every one of these sessions are compulsory and count when calculating attendance levels.

During private study periods students are allowed off site. However this privilege may be withdrawn if a student’s attendance falls below 95%, their punctuality is poor or they are failing to meet his/her work commitments. In such cases students will be scheduled to work within school until an improvement is seen.

Furthermore it is a student’s responsibility to get to their lessons on time. If you arrive more than 5 minutes late to a lesson and the lesson has started, the teacher will mark you as late (L). If a student is late more than 3 times in a week they will be expected to attend an after school structured study time (SST) to catch up on the learning lost, this will be at a set time each week.

Continued lateness to lessons will result in a parental meeting with the Director of Achievement.


At Nottingham Academy we understand the importance of rewarding good attendance and have developed our rewards systems to ensure that all students who meet our expectations are recognised and rewarded. Periodically throughout the academic year celebration assemblies will also be held.

Unavoidable Absence

Absences which are considered unavoidable will be authorised by Nottingham Academy.

These include:

  • Genuine serious illness
  • Attending a day set aside for religious observance
  • Being in hospital / having hospital treatment
  • Attending a funeral of close family members
  • Attending an interview for a job or university place
Avoidable Absence

Absences which are considered avoidable will not by authorised by Nottingham Academy.

These include:

  • Looking after the house or waiting for workmen / deliveries
  • Driving lessons
  • Being on holiday
  • Looking after siblings, including dropping them off at school or nursery
  • Helping with family business

Planned Absences:

Students are to complete a Leave of Absence Form. This should be signed by the Head of Sixth Form or Director of Achievement. Supporting evidence should accompany Leave of Absence Forms where appropriate.

Unplanned Absences:

If you are unable to attend you or your parent/carer must contact Sixth Form by 8.30am.

To discuss any issues regarding Sixth Form please call the main school number (0115 7483380) and press the option for Sixth Form Attendance.

Alternatively if you unable to get through via phone please email using the following address;

Leave your name, the student's name, and a contact number.

On returning from an unplanned absence, students must complete a ‘Return to School Form’ which should be handed to the Head of Sixth Form, Director of Achievement or Deputy Head of Year.

To discuss any issues regarding attendance please contact the following:

Head of Sixth Form: Ms Merrill

Director of Achievement: Ms Beldham

Deputy Head of Year: Ms Todd

Student ID and swipe card system

It is a legal requirement that we know who is in the school building at all times.

Students must make sure that they swipe in each time they enter the building and then swipe out each time they leave the building throughout the day. If a student fails to swipe in and out their attendance at Sixth Form may not be recorded, this will have a negative impact on their attendance figure.

Students must wear their lanyards at all times whilst on the school site.

The loss of a lanyard and/or identity card must be reported to the Sixth Form team immediately. A small charge will be made for a replacement.